Top Tips for Your Oral Health

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The importance of maintaining your oral health habits is paramount for keeping tooth decay at bay and your smile bright and shining. If you begin to let your oral health care slide, your teeth and gums will not be able to provide you with the care they are capable of. Brookfield Family Dentistry, LLC wants to ensure that your teeth and gums stay healthy and effective for as long as possible.

Here are some excellent tips for your oral health:

– Avoid snacking all throughout the day and limit any between-meal snacks.
– Limit your intake of foods and snacks that can speed up plaque decay or damage your teeth.
– Keep your meals well-balanced and nutritious for optimum health.
– Make sure to brush your teeth twice daily and floss once daily.
– Consider using a cleaning product after eating a meal, such as sugarless gum, to wash away harmful bacteria and food particles and to limit the effect of harmful acids on your teeth.
– Visit your dentist regularly at Brookfield Family Dentistry, LLC in Brookfield, Connecticut for your oral exams and professional cleanings.
– Avoid chewing or smoking tobacco, and avoid recreational drugs or medications that can cause mouth dryness.

The first step in maintaining your oral health begins with you, but we are here to help. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Marianne Morelli, you are welcome to call us at 203.775.6167 to speak with a member of our fantastic team. Call us today and get back on track to a healthy and happy smile!