How to Have a Healthy Smile: The Recommended Lunchbox Snacks

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Did you know there are some lunchbox snacks that can harm your child’s smile and alter their oral health? Well, it’s true! This is why our Brookfield Family Dentistry, LLC dental team encourages you to only pack tooth-healthy snacks in your child’s lunchbox. To help you, we recommend doing the following things:

-Don’t pack applesauce: Applesauce is packed with natural and added sugars that can easily promote cavities. Instead of applesauce, try packing a small container of cottage cheese. To make it even more flavorful, you can have your child put fruit in the cottage cheese.

-Choose real fruit: Instead of fruit snacks and fruit leather, pack real fruit. Those sticky snacks can cling to the teeth and encourage plaque growth. Try packing bananas, apples, strawberries, grapes, and mandarin oranges.

-Provide plain milk: Milk is a great source of calcium. It keeps the teeth nice and strong. However, flavored milk, like chocolate and strawberry milk, have sugar that can cause tooth decay. It’s best to stick to plain milk so you can help your child maintain a strong and healthy smile.

Your dentist, Dr. Marianne Morelli, and our dental team want your child to grow into the strong and healthy smile they deserve, which is why we encourage you to pack tooth-healthy snacks in your child’s lunch. We also encourage you to motivate your child to keep up on oral hygiene every day and visit their dentist every six months. If you would like to know more about how to have a healthy smile in Brookfield, Connecticut, please call our office today at 203.775.6167. We look forward to hearing from you!